[Original version] Hands-on activity: ‘Healthy and sustainable cooking from 0 to 3 years old’
The activity presents different culinary recipes suitable for children from 0 to 3 years old.
[Original version] Talk ‘Another way to buy: cooperative supermarkets’
The talk features Laura Bosch and Jordi Canes, members of the cooperative supermarket FoodCoop Barcelona.
[English version] Talk ‘Insects on a plate: history, culture and gastronomic perspectives’
What are the environmental advantages and the socioeconomic and health benefits of eating insects?
[Original version] Talk ‘Insects on a plate: history, culture and gastronomic perspectives’
What are the environmental advantages and the socioeconomic and health benefits of eating insects?
[English version] Talk ‘Food in early childhood. Health and sustainability the first 1000 days’
How should healthy and sustainable eating be in children from 0 to 3 years old?
[Original version] Talk ‘Food in early childhood. Health and sustainability the first 1000 days’
How should healthy and sustainable eating be in children from 0 to 3 years old?
[Original version] Talk ‘What is wrong with bees?’
Do we know who the bees really are? Find out in this video.
[English version] Talk ‘What is wrong with bees?’
Do we know who bees really are? Find out in this video.
[Original version] Talk ‘Planetary diet. The role of hospitality industry’
What is the planetary diet and what role does it play in the hospitality sector?
[Original version] Talk ‘Discovering “nature” in Nursery School’
How could we bio-diversify everyday life (and food perspective) at school?
[Original version] Talk ‘School agroecology in Catalonia’
The talk presents the book ‘Land of learning. Twelve beautiful stories for school agroecology in Catalonia’.
[English version] Talk ‘School agroecology in Catalonia’
The talk presents the book ‘Land of learning. Twelve beautiful stories for school agroecology in Catalonia’.
[Original version] Talk ‘Climate change in Catalonia’
The talk deals with the impact of climate change in Catalonia and the affectations on food.
[English version] Talk ‘Climate change in Catalonia’
The talk deals with the impact of climate change in Catalonia and the affectations on food.
[Original version] Talk ‘Aquaponics: a circular farming method for fish and vegetables’
The talk features Loïc Le Goeuff, environmental engineer and CEO of the Green in Blue company.
[English version] Talk ‘Aquaponics: a circular farming method for fish and vegetables’
The talk features Loïc Le Goeuff, environmental engineer and CEO of the Green in Blue company.
[Original version] Talk ‘Educational communities, nature and technology’
The talk features Áxel Pena López, co-founder of the voluta.coop work cooperative.
[English version] Talk ‘Educational communities, nature and technology’
The talk features Áxel Pena López, co-founder of the voluta.coop work cooperative.
[Original version] Talk ‘Thermophilic fish and responsible consumption’
The talk features Cristina Caparrós, owner of the fishing boat ‘Òstia’ and president of ‘Cap a Mar’.
[English version] Talk ‘Thermophilic fish and responsible consumption’
The talk features Cristina Caparrós, owner of the fishing boat ‘Òstia’ and president of ‘Cap a Mar’.
[Original version] Talk ‘Food design and food systems’
What are food systems and how are they configured? What role does design play?
[Spanish version] Talk ‘Food design and food systems’
What are food systems and how are they configured? What role does design play?
[Original version w/subtitles] Hands-on activity: Festive and healthy vegan and vegetarian recipes
The activity, led by the food eduactor Desirée Ballesta, includes several healthy vegetarian and vegan recipes suggestions.
[Original version w/subtitles] Hands-on activity: Healthy and sustainable holidays snacks
This hands-on activity, led by the food eduactor Mercè Homar, includes several healthy snack suggestions for holidays.
[Original version] Talk ‘Eco-design for a circular economy’
The session features Mariana Eidler and Sofía Garín, experts in eco-design and food innovation.
[English version] Talk ‘Eco-design for a circular economy’
The session features Mariana Eidler and Sofía Garín, experts in eco-design and food innovation.
[Original version] Hands-on Activity: ‘Circular cuisine with seasonal products’
The activity presents a circular cooking recipe with the entity My Gran Chef.
[Original version] Talk ‘Let’s cook with fruits and vegetables’
The event features Sergi de Meià, a chef specialized in local cuisine.
[Original version] Talk ‘Childhood and advertising: a look from the perspective of food justice’
The event features Javier Guzmán, director of “Justícia Alimentària” association.
[English version] Talk ‘Childhood and advertising: a look from the perspective of food justice’
The event features Javier Guzmán, director of “Justícia Alimentària” association.
[Original version w/subtitles] Talk ‘Life skills, health and sustainability’
Conference with Gladys Herrera, social communicator and group trainer in Skills for Life.
[Original Version] Hands-on Activity: Cooking and Science
The activity invites you to discover science and gastronomy through various experiments.
[Original version] Talk and Showcooking ‘Recipes for a healthy planet’
The event features Alf Mota, eco-chef and teacher of healthy cooking.
[Original version] Talk ‘How do we raise awareness about healthy eating?’
Discover how two entities such as Cuina Justa and Espigoladors raise awareness about healthy eating.
[Original version] Round table ‘Food and sustainability’
The event addresses how food and sustainability currently represent a new paradigm for dietary planning.
[Original version] Talk ‘Women’s nutrition and health’
How does diet affect women’s health in life stages as important as perimenopause and menopause?
[English version] Talk ‘Women’s nutrition and health’
How does diet affect women’s health in life stages as important as perimenopause and menopause?
[Original version] Talk ‘Food intolerances and integrative health’
The dietitian-nutritionist Lucía Redondo explains the role food intolerances play in our bodies.
[English version] Talk ‘Food intolerances and integrative health’
The dietitian-nutritionist Lucía Redondo explains the role food intolerances play in our bodies.
[Original version] Hands-on Activity: ‘Recipes for food use’
The activity, directed by the Espigoladors Foundation, presents recipes for food use.
[Original version] Talk ‘Introduction to fermentation’
Find out in this video what fermentation consists of and what benefits bring to the body.
[English version] Talk ‘Introduction to fermentation’
Find out in this video what fermentation consists of and what benefits bring to the body.
[Original version] Hands-on activity: ‘Summer cuisine. Easy recipes based on recovered fruits and vegetables’
The activity, in charge of the entity sobres Mestres, presents different recipes to prepare in summer.
[Original version] Talk ‘The future is here’
What actions can we take to save our planet? What is “ecohope”? Find it out here!
[English version] Talk ‘The future is here’
What actions can we take to save our planet? What is “ecohope”? Find it out here!
[Original version w/subtitles] Hands-on Activity: Let’s compost!
Do you know how to make compost? Find out in this video!
[Original version] Talk ‘Fishing and consumption: a responsible way’
This event explores alternatives to regular fishing and reflects on how we can consume fish more responsibly.
[English version] Talk ‘Fishing and consumtpion: a responsible way’
This event explores alternatives to regular fishing and reflects on how we can consume fish more responsibly.
[Original version w/subtitles] Talk ‘Recipes against food waste’
This event looks at how to generate actions to reduce food losses and waste.
[Original version w/subtitles] Hands-on Activity: Edible Wild Plants
Do you know that there are many wild edible plants around us? Find out in this video!
[Original version w/subtitles] Talk ‘Your diet can save the planet’
Is our diet linked to planetary health? Do not miss this conference with Aitor Sánchez.