123 tips to fight against food waste

How to keep fruit in good condition, what to do with food that spoils, and what are the tricks to preserve eggs, meat and fish?

We propose 123 tips to avoid wasting a single grain of rice!

Food waste is one of the serious problems of our food system. According to FAO data, if food waste was a country, it would be the third in CO2 emissions, after China and the USA. More precisely, 8% of the GHG emissions are due to food waste.

As for its water footprint, always according to FAO, food waste is in the first place, followed by India, China, Pakistan and the USA.

Data are alarming, but the good news is that we can do lots of things at home to change this tendency. Som Gent de Profit [We are People of Profit] has prepared 123 tips to avoid food waste at home.

In addition, if you visit the Menja, Actua, Impacta [Eat, Act, Impact] exhibition, you can take with you even more tips to prevent food waste. Since these tips are in the form of Post-it notes, you can stick them on the refrigerator and apply those you find the most useful in your case.

These tips are related to food preservation, meal organisation and planning, and making the most of the products we buy. See some of them below:

  1. We should buy fruit and vegetables often and in small quantities.
  2. Put apples and pears separated from other fruit. They accelerate the ripening of other fruit!
  3. Eggs keep better in the fridge, point side down!
  4. Always store dry legumes in a cool and dry place.
  5. Store green avocados in a paper bag with a banana or an apple. It will accelerate ripening.
  6. The best way to defrost food is in the refrigerator!
  7. Freeze cheese before it goes bad. Let’s use it for creams, pizzas, sauces, etc.
  8. Keep an eye on best-before dates. (Have you played our game about best-before and use-by dates yet?)
  9. Tomatoes, onions, carrots and potatoes keep better in the pantry than in the fridge!

SEE THE 123 TIPS HERE (in Catalan)

If you liked this content, share it on social networks and, above all, tell everyone there is an exhibition on sustainable and healthy eating in El Prat that helps us to make changes in our daily lives! Because… small steps go a long way!

Thank you for contributing to the fight against food waste.