Learn about healthy and sustainable food with us!
Below is a series of resources about healthy and sustainable eating for education professionals, children and young people. The materials are designed to help children understand the challenges and positive actions that the adoption of sustainable and healthy diets can have.
The resources are divided into the following main elements:
– A conceptual framework of reference for professionals in the world of education to become familiar with healthy and sustainable eating.
– 25 educational proposals for activities aimed at children and young people (from 3 to 18 years old) in schools and leisure centres. All take into account age, objectives, necessary material and approximate duration.
– Materials related to food sustainability.
– 4 weekly programs aimed at summer camps, which include planning and proposals for activities, stories and resources for stays in colonies. It is adapted to different age groups.
Other resources
Webs- AGENDA 2030 I OBJECTIUS DESENVOLUPAMENT SOSTENIBLE (ODS). Departament de Medi Ambient: http://mediambient.gencat.cat/ca/05_ambits_dactuacio/educacio_i_sostenibilitat/desenvolupament_sostenible/agenda-2030-ods/
- AJUNTAMENT DE BARCELONA: Barcelona Capital Mundial de l’Alimentació Sostenible 2021. https://alimentaciosostenible.barcelona/
- ASSOCIACIÓ JUSTÍCIA ALIMENTÀRIA: https://justiciaalimentaria.org
- CÀTEDRA D’AGROECOLOGIA I SISTEMES ALIMENTARIS. Universitat de Vic. https://mon.uvic.cat/catedra-agroecologia/es/
- CENTRE PROMOTOR D’APRENENTATGE SERVEI: https://aprenentatgeservei.cat/
- DEPARTAMENT DE SALUT. Education and Health Programmes. https://salutweb.gencat.cat/ca/ambits_actuacio/per_perfils/centres_educatius/
- FUNDACIÓ ALÍCIA: https://www.alicia.cat/ca/
- FUNDACIÓ CRAM. Centre de protecció de la biodiversitat marina: https://cram.org/fundacion-cram/
- FUNDACIÓ BANC DELS ALIMENTS: https://www.bancdelsaliments.org/es/
- FUNDACIÓ ESPIGOLADORS: https://espigoladors.cat/
- FUNDACIÓ GASSOL: https://www.gasolfoundation.org/es/
- ORGANITZACIÓ GREENPEACE: https://es.greenpeace.org/
- ORGANITZACIÓ MUNDIAL DE LA SALUT: https://www.who.int/es
- MOVIMIENTO MUNDIAL DE LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS: https://www.fidh.org/es/quienes-somos/Que-es-la-FIDH/
- NACIONS UNIDES: https://www.un.org/es/global-issues/health
- REVISTA SOBIRANIA ALIMENTÀRIA https://www.soberaniaalimentaria.info/
- UNESCO: https://es.unesco.org/themes/educacion-salud/accion
- UNICEF: https://www.unicef.org/es/salud
- MENJAR CANVIA EL MÓN. Fundesplai’s pedagogical programme, with numerous activities and educational resources for a healthy and sustainable diet. https://projectes.fundesplai.org/mcm/
- ALIMENTACCIÓ. Programme led by Justicia Alimentaria and Hegoa. There are numerous online educational resources for children, youth, families, and educational teams.
https://redalimentaccion.org/es - ALIMENTACIÓN, PLANETA, SALUD: Healthy diets from sustainable food systems. Commission
EAT-Lancet, 2019.This report is the first attempt to establish universal scientific goals for the food system that apply to all people and the planet according to two parameters of the world food system: final consumption (healthy diets) and production (sustainable food production). https://eatforum.org/content/uploads/2019/01/Report_Summary_Spanish-1.pdf
- CALENDARI DE PRODUCTES DE TEMPORADA. Here you will find the seasonal calendar of fruit, vegetables and fishing. Government of Catalonia.
http://agricultura.gencat.cat/web/.content/04-alimentacio/cadena-alimentaria/codi-bones-practiques-comercials/documents/fitxers-binaris/calendari-productes-temporada.pdf - FESTES DIVERTIDES I SALUDABLES. Tips and recipes for children’s parties.
Canal Salut Generalitat: https://canalsalut.gencat.cat/ca/vida-saludable/alimentacio/receptes_saludables/festes-infantils/ - GUIA HABITAT. A very useful activities guide for environmental education: http://habitat.escolesxesc.cat/
- GUIA SIN MALA ESPINA. A guide to understanding the problem of overexploptation of seafood products. https://www.ecologistasenaccion.org/18886/guia-sin-mala-espina/
- GUIA APRENENTATGE SERVEI PER A UNA ALIMENTACIÓ, SANA, JUSTA I SOSTENIBLE. CENTRE PROMOTOR D’APRENENTATGE SERVEI. A guide for a healthy, fair, and sustainable diet: https://aprenentatgeservei.cat/wp-content/uploads/guies/Aprenentatge-Servei-per-a-una-alimentacio%CC%81-sana.pdf
- JUGUEM A L’HORT. Great guide to games for environmental education in pre-primary and primary school. Sara Buscà. https://esplai.fundesplai.org/recurs/guia-juguem-a-lhort/
- KAIDARA, educational resources for a global citizenship. Oxfam Intermón: http://www.kaidara.org
- MALETA LÚDICA AGRO-JOCS. Here you’ll find a great deal of activities and games. In charge of Agroviva, a web platform created by La Unió de Llauradors i Ramaders de València: https://agroviva.chil.me/post/maleta-ludica-agro-jocs–242382?l=CA
- PETITS CANVIS PER MENJAR MILLOR. Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya. Reference guide to a healthy diet. https://canalsalut.gencat.cat/ca/vida-saludable/alimentacio/petits-canvis-per-menjar-millor/
- PIRÀMIDE DE L’ALIMENTACIÓ SALUDABLE. Includes a healthy food-plate. Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya: https://salutpublica.gencat.cat/ca/ambits/promocio_salut/alimentacio_saludable/la-piramide-de-lalimentacio-saludable
- RECEPTES SALUDABLES. Recipe search engine. Canal Salut Generalitat. https://canalsalut.gencat.cat/ca/vida-saludable/alimentacio/receptes_saludables/
- MATERIAL EDUCATIU I RECURSOS VARIS SOBRE L’HORT, AGROECOLOGIA I ALIMENTACIÓ. Generalitat Catalunya: http://pae.gencat.cat/ca/publicacions-materials-referencia/material-educatiu/#FW_bloc_054dc499-c4a4-11e3-8540-000c296817af_9
- UNESCO (2020). EDUCACIÓN PARA EL DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE. HOJA DE RUTA. Background handbook: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000230514
- VIAJE AL CENTRO DE LA ALIMENTACIÓN QUE NOS ENFERMA. Report “Dame veneno”. • vsF Justicia alimentaria global. https://justiciaalimentaria.org/dame-veneno
- Proposta didàctica per a treballar la Soberania Alimentaria en la Formació Professional- This didactic proposal offers us five modules to work on the key topics for transversalizing food sovereignty in Vocational Training studies. You will find the following contents: Module 1. Agroecology vs. Agro-industry Module 2. The food transition Module 3. Advertising and food Module 4. The Planetary Diet Module 5. Women and food sovereignty. Developed by: Justicia Alimentaria. https://redalimentaccion.org/sites/default/files/Unitat%20Dida%CC%80ctica_LlaurantiCuinant%20A5_impressio%CC%81.pd